Walking the Walk of AI Ethics: Organizational Challenges and the Individualization of Risk among Ethics Entrepreneurs


しかし、テクノロジー企業における AI の倫理的価値観の実際の導入を調査した研究はほとんどありません。
AI 倫理を製品開発に統合する任務を負ったテクノロジー労働者の定性分析に基づいて、労働者がポリシー、実践、成果が切り離された環境を経験していることがわかりました。
私たちは、AI 倫理従事者を、組織内で新しい倫理関連の慣行を制度化することに取り組む倫理起業家として分析します。
私たちは、倫理起業家が仕事をする上で 3 つの大きな障壁に直面していることを示します。


Amidst decline in public trust in technology, computing ethics have taken center stage, and critics have raised questions about corporate ethics washing. Yet few studies examine the actual implementation of AI ethics values in technology companies. Based on a qualitative analysis of technology workers tasked with integrating AI ethics into product development, we find that workers experience an environment where policies, practices, and outcomes are decoupled. We analyze AI ethics workers as ethics entrepreneurs who work to institutionalize new ethics-related practices within organizations. We show that ethics entrepreneurs face three major barriers to their work. First, they struggle to have ethics prioritized in an environment centered around software product launches. Second, ethics are difficult to quantify in a context where company goals are incentivized by metrics. Third, the frequent reorganization of teams makes it difficult to access knowledge and maintain relationships central to their work. Consequently, individuals take on great personal risk when raising ethics issues, especially when they come from marginalized backgrounds. These findings shed light on complex dynamics of institutional change at technology companies.


著者 Sanna J. Ali,Angèle Christin,Andrew Smart,Riitta Katila
発行日 2023-05-16 16:11:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY, K.4.1 パーマリンク