Two is Better Than One: Digital Siblings to Improve Autonomous Driving Testing


このペーパーでは、異なるテクノロジーで構築された複数の汎用シミュレーターで AV をテストする新しいフレームワークであるデジタル 兄弟の概念を導入することで、シミュレーション ベースのテストを強化します。
まず、個別のシミュレータごとにテスト ケースが自動的に生成されます。
私たちは 2 つのオープンソース シミュレーターを使用してフレームワークを実装し、大規模なテスト ケースで物理的にスケールされた自動運転車のデジタル ツインと実証的に比較しました。


Simulation-based testing represents an important step to ensure the reliability of autonomous driving software. In practice, when companies rely on third-party general-purpose simulators, either for in-house or outsourced testing, the generalizability of testing results to real autonomous vehicles is at stake. In this paper, we strengthen simulation-based testing by introducing the notion of digital siblings, a novel framework in which the AV is tested on multiple general-purpose simulators, built with different technologies. First, test cases are automatically generated for each individual simulator. Then, tests are migrated between simulators, using feature maps to characterize of the exercised driving conditions. Finally, the joint predicted failure probability is computed and a failure is reported only in cases of agreement among the siblings. We implemented our framework using two open-source simulators and we empirically compared it against a digital twin of a physical scaled autonomous vehicle on a large set of test cases. Our study shows that the ensemble failure predictor by the digital siblings is superior to each individual simulator at predicting the failures of the digital twin. We discuss several ways in which our framework can help researchers interested in automated testing of autonomous driving software.


著者 Matteo Biagiola,Andrea Stocco,Vincenzo Riccio,Paolo Tonella
発行日 2023-05-14 04:10:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO, cs.SE パーマリンク