Path Planning for Air-Ground Robot Considering Modal Switching Point Optimization


走行と飛行の両方が可能な革新的なモビリティ プラットフォームは、空地上ロボットです。
シミュレーションを実行して、フィールド DEM マップに基づいて提案されたモデルの有効性をテストします。
シミュレーション結果は、当社のテクノロジーが信頼性の高い、完成したもっともらしい 3D パスを生成できることを示しています。


An innovative sort of mobility platform that can both drive and fly is the air-ground robot. The need for an agile flight cannot be satisfied by traditional path planning techniques for air-ground robots. Prior studies had mostly focused on improving the energy efficiency of paths, seldom taking the seeking speed and optimizing take-off and landing places into account. A robot for the field application environment was proposed, and a lightweight global spatial planning technique for the robot based on the graph-search algorithm taking mode switching point optimization into account, with an emphasis on energy efficiency, searching speed, and the viability of real deployment. The fundamental concept is to lower the computational burden by employing an interchangeable search approach that combines planar and spatial search. Furthermore, to safeguard the health of the power battery and the integrity of the mission execution, a trap escape approach was also provided. Simulations are run to test the effectiveness of the suggested model based on the field DEM map. The simulation results show that our technology is capable of producing finished, plausible 3D paths with a high degree of believability. Additionally, the mode-switching point optimization method efficiently identifies additional acceptable places for mode switching, and the improved paths use less time and energy.


著者 Xiaoyu Wang,Kangyao Huang,Xinyu Zhang,Honglin Sun,Wenzhuo Liu,Huaping Liu,Jun Li,Pingping Lu
発行日 2023-05-14 15:02:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク