このペアベースのパラダイムでは、特定の点のペア間の 1 対 1 の距離のみが考慮されますが、これは 1 対多の粗粒検索プロセスと一致せず、再現率が低下します。
具体的には、私たちの方法には、不確実性モデリングと不確実性正則化という 2 つのモジュールが含まれています。
(1) 不確実性モデリングは、特徴空間に同一に分布した変動を導入することによって、マルチグレイン クエリをシミュレートします。
(2) 不確実性モデリングに基づいて、変動範囲に応じてマッチング目標を適応させるために不確実性正則化をさらに導入します。
FashionIQ、Fashion200k、Shoes の 3 つの公開データセットにおいて、提案された手法は、強力なベースラインに対してそれぞれ +4.03%、+3.38%、+2.40% の Recall@50 精度を達成しました。
We investigate composed image retrieval with text feedback. Users gradually look for the target of interest by moving from coarse to fine-grained feedback. However, existing methods merely focus on the latter, i.e., fine-grained search, by harnessing positive and negative pairs during training. This pair-based paradigm only considers the one-to-one distance between a pair of specific points, which is not aligned with the one-to-many coarse-grained retrieval process and compromises the recall rate. In an attempt to fill this gap, we introduce a unified learning approach to simultaneously modeling the coarse- and fine-grained retrieval by considering the multi-grained uncertainty. The key idea underpinning the proposed method is to integrate fine- and coarse-grained retrieval as matching data points with small and large fluctuations, respectively. Specifically, our method contains two modules: uncertainty modeling and uncertainty regularization. (1) The uncertainty modeling simulates the multi-grained queries by introducing identically distributed fluctuations in the feature space. (2) Based on the uncertainty modeling, we further introduce uncertainty regularization to adapt the matching objective according to the fluctuation range. Compared with existing methods, the proposed strategy explicitly prevents the model from pushing away potential candidates in the early stage and thus improves the recall rate. On the three public datasets, \ie, FashionIQ, Fashion200k, and Shoes, the proposed method has achieved +4.03%, + 3.38%, and + 2.40% Recall@50 accuracy over a strong baseline, respectively.
著者 | Yiyang Chen,Zhedong Zheng,Wei Ji,Leigang Qu,Tat-Seng Chua |
発行日 | 2023-05-15 12:50:11+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google