Bidirectional Propagation for Cross-Modal 3D Object Detection


タイトル:Bidirectional Propagation for Cross-Modal 3D Object Detection
・交差モーダル3Dオブジェクト検出において、2D画像のピクセルから3D LiDARポイントへの細かい特徴伝播が採用され、機能向上が広く明らかになっています。


Recent works have revealed the superiority of feature-level fusion for cross-modal 3D object detection, where fine-grained feature propagation from 2D image pixels to 3D LiDAR points has been widely adopted for performance improvement. Still, the potential of heterogeneous feature propagation between 2D and 3D domains has not been fully explored. In this paper, in contrast to existing pixel-to-point feature propagation, we investigate an opposite point-to-pixel direction, allowing point-wise features to flow inversely into the 2D image branch. Thus, when jointly optimizing the 2D and 3D streams, the gradients back-propagated from the 2D image branch can boost the representation ability of the 3D backbone network working on LiDAR point clouds. Then, combining pixel-to-point and point-to-pixel information flow mechanisms, we construct an bidirectional feature propagation framework, dubbed BiProDet. In addition to the architectural design, we also propose normalized local coordinates map estimation, a new 2D auxiliary task for the training of the 2D image branch, which facilitates learning local spatial-aware features from the image modality and implicitly enhances the overall 3D detection performance. Extensive experiments and ablation studies validate the effectiveness of our method. Notably, we rank $\mathbf{1^{\mathrm{st}}}$ on the highly competitive KITTI benchmark on the cyclist class by the time of submission. The source code is available at


著者 Yifan Zhang,Qijian Zhang,Junhui Hou,Yixuan Yuan,Guoliang Xing
発行日 2023-05-02 09:57:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク