On Manifold Learning in Plato’s Cave: Remarks on Manifold Learning and Physical Phenomena




– 機械学習の多くの技術は測定に基づいて物理現象の多様体構造を推定する。
– 測定と現象の幾何学の不一致による注意喚起の例を提供する。
– 低次元多様体学習に限定されず、次元削減や教師なし学習にも同様の問題がある。
– おそらく標準的かつ無害なデータ処理手順でも、この幾何学的な不一致により誤った答えが導かれることがある。


Many techniques in machine learning attempt explicitly or implicitly to infer a low-dimensional manifold structure of an underlying physical phenomenon from measurements without an explicit model of the phenomenon or the measurement apparatus. This paper presents a cautionary tale regarding the discrepancy between the geometry of measurements and the geometry of the underlying phenomenon in a benign setting. The deformation in the metric illustrated in this paper is mathematically straightforward and unavoidable in the general case, and it is only one of several similar effects. While this is not always problematic, we provide an example of an arguably standard and harmless data processing procedure where this effect leads to an incorrect answer to a seemingly simple question. Although we focus on manifold learning, these issues apply broadly to dimensionality reduction and unsupervised learning.


著者 Roy R. Lederman,Bogdan Toader
発行日 2023-04-27 15:09:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク