On the Usefulness of Deep Ensemble Diversity for Out-of-Distribution Detection


文献の既存の直感では、Deep Ensemble予測の多様性は分布のシフトを示しているため、相互情報量(MI)などの多様性の測定値をOOD検出に使用する必要があります。
この直感はImageNetスケールのOOD検出では有効ではないことを実験的に示しています。MIを使用すると、一部のOODデータセットの単一モデルエントロピーと比較して%FPR @ 95が30〜40%悪化します。
Deep Ensemblesの優れたOOD検出パフォーマンスの代替説明を提案します。OOD検出はバイナリ分類であり、さまざまな分類器をアンサンブルしています。


The ability to detect Out-of-Distribution (OOD) data is important in safety-critical applications of deep learning. The aim is to separate In-Distribution (ID) data drawn from the training distribution from OOD data using a measure of uncertainty extracted from a deep neural network. Deep Ensembles are a well-established method of improving the quality of uncertainty estimates produced by deep neural networks, and have been shown to have superior OOD detection performance compared to single models. An existing intuition in the literature is that the diversity of Deep Ensemble predictions indicates distributional shift, and so measures of diversity such as Mutual Information (MI) should be used for OOD detection. We show experimentally that this intuition is not valid on ImageNet-scale OOD detection — using MI leads to 30-40% worse %FPR@95 compared to single-model entropy on some OOD datasets. We suggest an alternative explanation for Deep Ensembles’ better OOD detection performance — OOD detection is binary classification and we are ensembling diverse classifiers. As such we show that practically, even better OOD detection performance can be achieved for Deep Ensembles by averaging task-specific detection scores such as Energy over the ensemble.


著者 Guoxuan Xia,Christos-Savvas Bouganis
発行日 2022-07-15 15:02:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク