Applications of No-Collision Transportation Maps in Manifold Learning



・本論文では、イメージデータの多様体学習において、[Nurbekyan et. al., 2020]で導入された無衝突輸送マップの応用を調査する。
・[Nurbekyan et. al., 2020]で開発された無衝突マップと距離は、最適輸送(OT)マップと同様の幾何学的特徴に敏感であるが、最適化がないため計算がはるかに安価である。


In this work, we investigate applications of no-collision transportation maps introduced in [Nurbekyan et. al., 2020] in manifold learning for image data. Recently, there has been a surge in applying transportation-based distances and features for data representing motion-like or deformation-like phenomena. Indeed, comparing intensities at fixed locations often does not reveal the data structure. No-collision maps and distances developed in [Nurbekyan et. al., 2020] are sensitive to geometric features similar to optimal transportation (OT) maps but much cheaper to compute due to the absence of optimization. In this work, we prove that no-collision distances provide an isometry between translations (respectively dilations) of a single probability measure and the translation (respectively dilation) vectors equipped with a Euclidean distance. Furthermore, we prove that no-collision transportation maps, as well as OT and linearized OT maps, do not in general provide an isometry for rotations. The numerical experiments confirm our theoretical findings and show that no-collision distances achieve similar or better performance on several manifold learning tasks compared to other OT and Euclidean-based methods at a fraction of a computational cost.


著者 Elisa Negrini,Levon Nurbekyan
発行日 2023-04-21 00:41:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク