Symbiotic Message Passing Model for Transfer Learning between Anti-Fungal and Anti-Bacterial Domains



– 機械学習、特に表現学習は、数十億の化合物をスクリーニングして新しい薬を発見するのに役立つ可能性がある。
– 化合物をグラフで表す方法を用いたグラフニューラルネットワーク(GNN)は成功したアプローチであるが、数千の化合物の実験測定が必要である。
– 実験データを収集しやすい分野もあれば、逆に収集が困難な分野もあるため、転移学習は重要である。
– 本研究では、異なる領域のGNNモデルを統合するための新しい方法「Symbiotic Message Passing Neural Network(SMPNN)」を開発した。
– SMPNNは、異なる領域間でメッセージパッシングレーンをルーティングすることにより、異なる領域間で引き起こされる潜在的な衝突や制約を解決する。
– SMPNNは、公開データを集め、高スループットの実験を実施することで抗真菌活性を予測することに成功した。
– 本方法は、植物、生物の異なる領域間で情報転送を容易にするために汎用的に使用できる。


Machine learning, and representation learning in particular, has the potential to facilitate drug discovery by screening billions of compounds. For example, a successful approach is representing the molecules as a graph and utilizing graph neural networks (GNN). Yet, these approaches still require experimental measurements of thousands of compounds to construct a proper training set. While in some domains it is easier to acquire experimental data, in others it might be more limited. For example, it is easier to test the compounds on bacteria than perform in-vivo experiments. Thus, a key question is how to utilize information from a large available dataset together with a small subset of compounds where both domains are measured to predict compounds’ effect on the second, experimentally less available domain. Current transfer learning approaches for drug discovery, including training of pre-trained modules or meta-learning, have limited success. In this work, we develop a novel method, named Symbiotic Message Passing Neural Network (SMPNN), for merging graph-neural-network models from different domains. Using routing new message passing lanes between them, our approach resolves some of the potential conflicts between the different domains, and implicit constraints induced by the larger datasets. By collecting public data and performing additional high-throughput experiments, we demonstrate the advantage of our approach by predicting anti-fungal activity from anti-bacterial activity. We compare our method to the standard transfer learning approach and show that SMPNN provided better and less variable performances. Our approach is general and can be used to facilitate information transfer between any two domains such as different organisms, different organelles, or different environments.


著者 Ronen Taub,Tanya Wasserman,Yonatan Savir
発行日 2023-04-14 09:21:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.LG, q-bio.QM パーマリンク