Grouping Shapley Value Feature Importances of Random Forests for explainable Yield Prediction


-ランダムフォレストのShapley Value特徴量のグループ分けによる説明可能な収量予測



Explainability in yield prediction helps us fully explore the potential of machine learning models that are already able to achieve high accuracy for a variety of yield prediction scenarios. The data included for the prediction of yields are intricate and the models are often difficult to understand. However, understanding the models can be simplified by using natural groupings of the input features. Grouping can be achieved, for example, by the time the features are captured or by the sensor used to do so. The state-of-the-art for interpreting machine learning models is currently defined by the game-theoretic approach of Shapley values. To handle groups of features, the calculated Shapley values are typically added together, ignoring the theoretical limitations of this approach. We explain the concept of Shapley values directly computed for predefined groups of features and introduce an algorithm to compute them efficiently on tree structures. We provide a blueprint for designing swarm plots that combine many local explanations for global understanding. Extensive evaluation of two different yield prediction problems shows the worth of our approach and demonstrates how we can enable a better understanding of yield prediction models in the future, ultimately leading to mutual enrichment of research and application.


著者 Florian Huber,Hannes Engler,Anna Kicherer,Katja Herzog,Reinhard Töpfer,Volker Steinhage
発行日 2023-04-14 13:03:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク