Superhuman Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Human Decision Making by Increasing Novelty



– 人間の意思決定に超人工知能がどのような影響を与えるか、そしてその影響のメカニズムは何かについて、本論文はすでに人間を超えるレベルである分野で分析を行っています。
– 将棋のプロ選手が過去71年間で約5,800万の指し手を行ったデータを用いて、人間とAIの意思決定の質を比較し、超人工知能が導入された後、人間の意思決定が飛躍的に向上したことがわかりました。
– また、人間のプレイヤーが従来の戦略から離れ、革新的な動きを試すようになったことが、意思決定の質の向上につながったことも示されました。つまり、超人工知能が人間のプレイヤーに新しい動きを試すよう促し、彼らの意思決定能力を高める契機を与えたということです。


How will superhuman artificial intelligence (AI) affect human decision making? And what will be the mechanisms behind this effect? We address these questions in a domain where AI already exceeds human performance, analyzing more than 5.8 million move decisions made by professional Go players over the past 71 years (1950-2021). To address the first question, we use a superhuman AI program to estimate the quality of human decisions across time, generating 58 billion counterfactual game patterns and comparing the win rates of actual human decisions with those of counterfactual AI decisions. We find that humans began to make significantly better decisions following the advent of superhuman AI. We then examine human players’ strategies across time and find that novel decisions (i.e., previously unobserved moves) occurred more frequently and became associated with higher decision quality after the advent of superhuman AI. Our findings suggest that the development of superhuman AI programs may have prompted human players to break away from traditional strategies and induced them to explore novel moves, which in turn may have improved their decision-making.


著者 Minkyu Shin,Jin Kim,Bas van Opheusden,Thomas L. Griffiths
発行日 2023-04-14 17:53:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: 68T01, 68T05, 68T35, 68T99, cs.AI, econ.GN, I.2.0, q-fin.EC パーマリンク