iDML: Incentivized Decentralized Machine Learning








・ スマートコントラクトを活用して、エンドデバイスに明示的なインセンティブを提供するだけでなく、学習アーキテクチャの行動を検査し反映する完全に分散型のメカニズムを作成することができます。


With the rising emergence of decentralized and opportunistic approaches to machine learning, end devices are increasingly tasked with training deep learning models on-devices using crowd-sourced data that they collect themselves. These approaches are desirable from a resource consumption perspective and also from a privacy preservation perspective. When the devices benefit directly from the trained models, the incentives are implicit – contributing devices’ resources are incentivized by the availability of the higher-accuracy model that results from collaboration. However, explicit incentive mechanisms must be provided when end-user devices are asked to contribute their resources (e.g., computation, communication, and data) to a task performed primarily for the benefit of others, e.g., training a model for a task that a neighbor device needs but the device owner is uninterested in. In this project, we propose a novel blockchain-based incentive mechanism for completely decentralized and opportunistic learning architectures. We leverage a smart contract not only for providing explicit incentives to end devices to participate in decentralized learning but also to create a fully decentralized mechanism to inspect and reflect on the behavior of the learning architecture.


著者 Haoxiang Yu,Hsiao-Yuan Chen,Sangsu Lee,Sriram Vishwanath,Xi Zheng,Christine Julien
発行日 2023-04-10 17:28:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.DC, cs.LG パーマリンク