OpenDriver: an open-road driver state detection dataset


– 道路安全性は、運転者の心理的および生理的状態に重大な依存がある。
– OpenDriverは、運転者の状態をモニタリングするリアルタイムアプローチである、ウェアラブルの生理学的測定を含む大規模なデータセットである。
– OpenDriverには、100以上のドライバーが数ヶ月にわたって同じルートを走行中に収集された6軸慣性信号と心電図(ECG)信号の2つのモダリティのドライビングシグナルが含まれている。
– ECGセンサーと6軸慣性センサーは特別に設計されたステアリングホイールカバーに設置されており、運転手を妨げることなくデータ収集が可能である。
– OpenDriverデータセットは公開される予定であり、新しいバイオメトリック信号のタイプを統合するための新しい方法が検討され、ドライバー支援システムの開発にも役立つことが期待される。


In modern society, road safety relies heavily on the psychological and physiological state of drivers. Negative factors such as fatigue, drowsiness, and stress can impair drivers’ reaction time and decision making abilities, leading to an increased incidence of traffic accidents. Among the numerous studies for impaired driving detection, wearable physiological measurement is a real-time approach to monitoring a driver’s state. However, currently, there are few driver physiological datasets in open road scenarios and the existing datasets suffer from issues such as poor signal quality, small sample sizes, and short data collection periods. Therefore, in this paper, a large-scale multimodal driving dataset for driver impairment detection and biometric data recognition is designed and described. The dataset contains two modalities of driving signals: six-axis inertial signals and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, which were recorded while over one hundred drivers were following the same route through open roads during several months. Both the ECG signal sensor and the six-axis inertial signal sensor are installed on a specially designed steering wheel cover, allowing for data collection without disturbing the driver. Additionally, electrodermal activity (EDA) signals were also recorded during the driving process and will be integrated into the presented dataset soon. Future work can build upon this dataset to advance the field of driver impairment detection. New methods can be explored for integrating other types of biometric signals, such as eye tracking, to further enhance the understanding of driver states. The insights gained from this dataset can also inform the development of new driver assistance systems, promoting safer driving practices and reducing the risk of traffic accidents. The OpenDriver dataset will be publicly available soon.


著者 Delong Liu,Shichao Li
発行日 2023-04-09 10:08:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.HC, cs.LG パーマリンク