From exemplar to copy: the scribal appropriation of a Hadewijch manuscript computationally explored



– ハデウィヒの作品が保存された最も古い知られている写本の2つに焦点を当てた研究。
– 基本的に、ms.Bを作成した書写者はms.Aを模範として使用したと仮定されている。
– 両方の写本のレイアウトと内容の類似点は目立つが、微妙な言語上の違いがある。
– この研究では、作成された2つの写本を計算的に調べ、書写の特性を分析する。
– 次に、ms.AとBを区別する最も特徴的な要素を特定するために機械学習を使用する。
– ダイナミックなトレンドにも注目し、模範の書写者による提唱がコピーの書写者の練習に影響を与えるという仮説を立てる。


This study is devoted to two of the oldest known manuscripts in which the oeuvre of the medieval mystical author Hadewijch has been preserved: Brussels, KBR, 2879-2880 (ms. A) and Brussels, KBR, 2877-2878 (ms. B). On the basis of codicological and contextual arguments, it is assumed that the scribe who produced B used A as an exemplar. While the similarities in both layout and content between the two manuscripts are striking, the present article seeks to identify the differences. After all, regardless of the intention to produce a copy that closely follows the exemplar, subtle linguistic variation is apparent. Divergences relate to spelling conventions, but also to the way in which words are abbreviated (and the extent to which abbreviations occur). The present study investigates the spelling profiles of the scribes who produced mss. A and B in a computational way. In the first part of this study, we will present both manuscripts in more detail, after which we will consider prior research carried out on scribal profiling. The current study both builds and expands on Kestemont (2015). Next, we outline the methodology used to analyse and measure the degree of scribal appropriation that took place when ms. B was copied off the exemplar ms. A. After this, we will discuss the results obtained, focusing on the scribal variation that can be found both at the level of individual words and n-grams. To this end, we use machine learning to identify the most distinctive features that separate manuscript A from B. Finally, we look at possible diachronic trends in the appropriation by B’s scribe of his exemplar. We argue that scribal takeovers in the exemplar impacts the practice of the copying scribe, while transitions to a different content matter cause little to no effect.


著者 Wouter Haverals,Mike Kestemont
発行日 2023-04-06 15:28:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク