k-means Mask Transformer


従来のk-meansクラスタリングアルゴリズムに着想を得て、セグメンテーションタスク用のk-means Mask Xformer(kMaX-DeepLab)を開発しました。これにより、最先端の機能が向上するだけでなく、シンプルでエレガントなデザインも楽しめます。
その結果、当社のkMaX-DeepLabは、58.0%PQのCOCO valセット、および68.4%PQ、44.0%AP、83.5%mIoUのCityscapesvalセットでテスト時間の拡張なしで新しい最先端のパフォーマンスを実現します。


The rise of transformers in vision tasks not only advances network backbone designs, but also starts a brand-new page to achieve end-to-end image recognition (e.g., object detection and panoptic segmentation). Originated from Natural Language Processing (NLP), transformer architectures, consisting of self-attention and cross-attention, effectively learn long-range interactions between elements in a sequence. However, we observe that most existing transformer-based vision models simply borrow the idea from NLP, neglecting the crucial difference between languages and images, particularly the extremely large sequence length of spatially flattened pixel features. This subsequently impedes the learning in cross-attention between pixel features and object queries. In this paper, we rethink the relationship between pixels and object queries and propose to reformulate the cross-attention learning as a clustering process. Inspired by the traditional k-means clustering algorithm, we develop a k-means Mask Xformer (kMaX-DeepLab) for segmentation tasks, which not only improves the state-of-the-art, but also enjoys a simple and elegant design. As a result, our kMaX-DeepLab achieves a new state-of-the-art performance on COCO val set with 58.0% PQ, and Cityscapes val set with 68.4% PQ, 44.0% AP, and 83.5% mIoU without test-time augmentation or external dataset. We hope our work can shed some light on designing transformers tailored for vision tasks. Code and models are available at https://github.com/google-research/deeplab2


著者 Qihang Yu,Huiyu Wang,Siyuan Qiao,Maxwell Collins,Yukun Zhu,Hatwig Adam,Alan Yuille,Liang-Chieh Chen
発行日 2022-07-08 17:59:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク