A Perspectival Mirror of the Elephant: Investigating Language Bias on Google, ChatGPT, Wikipedia, and YouTube


「さまざまな角度から情報を提供することで、世界に対する独自の理解を形成できるようにする」という Google 検索の使命に反して、Google と、その最も顕著な検索結果であるウィキペディアと YouTube は、単に、世界に結び付けられた狭い一連の文化的ステレオタイプを反映していることがわかります。
簡単に言えば、さまざまな言語で同じ検索を行っても、程度の差こそあれ、異なる情報が表示されます (これを「言語バイアス」と呼びます)。
また、ChatGPT には言語バイアスが深く埋め込まれていることもわかりました。
論文の終わりに向かって、自動翻訳を使用して言語の偏見を活用する潜在的なフレームワークを提案し、ゾウの本物の描写をつなぎ合わせる作業は、NLP と


Contrary to Google Search’s mission of delivering information from ‘many angles so you can form your own understanding of the world,’ we find that Google and its most prominent returned results — Wikipedia and YouTube, simply reflect the narrow set of cultural stereotypes tied to the search language for complex topics like ‘Buddhism,’ ‘Liberalism,’ ‘colonization,’ ‘Iran’ and ‘America.’ Simply stated, they present, to varying degrees, distinct information across the same search in different languages (we call it ‘language bias’). Instead of presenting a global picture of a complex topic, our online searches turn us into the proverbial blind person touching a small portion of an elephant, ignorant of the existence of other cultural perspectives. The language we use to search ends up as a cultural filter to promote ethnocentric views, where a person evaluates other people or ideas based on their own culture. We also find that language bias is deeply embedded in ChatGPT. As it is primarily trained on English language data, it presents the Anglo-American perspective as the normative view, reducing the complexity of a multifaceted issue to the single Anglo-American standard. In this paper, we present evidence and analysis of language bias and discuss its larger social implications. Toward the end of the paper, we propose a potential framework of using automatic translation to leverage language bias and argue that the task of piecing together a genuine depiction of the elephant is a challenging and important endeavor that deserves a new area of research in NLP and requires collaboration with scholars from the humanities to create ethically sound and socially responsible technology together.


著者 Queenie Luo,Michael J. Puett,Michael D. Smith
発行日 2023-03-28 19:49:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CY, cs.LG, cs.SI パーマリンク