InferEM: Inferring the Speaker’s Intention for Empathetic Dialogue Generation


その結果、共感的反応生成のための InferEM という名前の新しいモデルを提案します。
発話予測と応答生成の最適化率のバランスをとるために、マルチタスク学習戦略が InferEM 用に設計されています。
実験結果は、共感表現の改善における InferEM の妥当性と妥当性を示しています。


Current approaches to empathetic response generation typically encode the entire dialogue history directly and put the output into a decoder to generate friendly feedback. These methods focus on modelling contextual information but neglect capturing the direct intention of the speaker. We argue that the last utterance in the dialogue empirically conveys the intention of the speaker. Consequently, we propose a novel model named InferEM for empathetic response generation. We separately encode the last utterance and fuse it with the entire dialogue through the multi-head attention based intention fusion module to capture the speaker’s intention. Besides, we utilize previous utterances to predict the last utterance, which simulates human’s psychology to guess what the interlocutor may speak in advance. To balance the optimizing rates of the utterance prediction and response generation, a multi-task learning strategy is designed for InferEM. Experimental results demonstrate the plausibility and validity of InferEM in improving empathetic expression.


著者 Guoqing Lv,Jiang Li,Xiaoping Wang
発行日 2023-03-28 03:55:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.HC パーマリンク