Towards Effective Adversarial Textured 3D Meshes on Physical Face Recognition


この手法は、ブラック ボックスの認識モデルを欺くと同時に防御メカニズムを回避できる必要があります。
これを実現するために、人間の顔に精巧なトポロジを備えた敵対的テクスチャ 3D メッシュ (AT3D) を設計します。これを 3D プリントして攻撃者の顔に貼り付けることで、防御を回避できます。
デジタルおよび物理的なシナリオでの広範な実験は、3 つの認識 API、4 つのなりすまし防止 API、2 つの一般的な携帯電話、および 2 つの自動アクセス制御システムを含む、複数の一般的な商用サービスのセキュリティの脆弱性を、私たちの方法が効果的に調査することを示しています。


Face recognition is a prevailing authentication solution in numerous biometric applications. Physical adversarial attacks, as an important surrogate, can identify the weaknesses of face recognition systems and evaluate their robustness before deployed. However, most existing physical attacks are either detectable readily or ineffective against commercial recognition systems. The goal of this work is to develop a more reliable technique that can carry out an end-to-end evaluation of adversarial robustness for commercial systems. It requires that this technique can simultaneously deceive black-box recognition models and evade defensive mechanisms. To fulfill this, we design adversarial textured 3D meshes (AT3D) with an elaborate topology on a human face, which can be 3D-printed and pasted on the attacker’s face to evade the defenses. However, the mesh-based optimization regime calculates gradients in high-dimensional mesh space, and can be trapped into local optima with unsatisfactory transferability. To deviate from the mesh-based space, we propose to perturb the low-dimensional coefficient space based on 3D Morphable Model, which significantly improves black-box transferability meanwhile enjoying faster search efficiency and better visual quality. Extensive experiments in digital and physical scenarios show that our method effectively explores the security vulnerabilities of multiple popular commercial services, including three recognition APIs, four anti-spoofing APIs, two prevailing mobile phones and two automated access control systems.


著者 Xiao Yang,Chang Liu,Longlong Xu,Yikai Wang,Yinpeng Dong,Ning Chen,Hang Su,Jun Zhu
発行日 2023-03-28 08:42:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク