Optimal Spatial Deconvolution and Message Reconstruction from a Large Generative Model of Models


これは、信号またはメッセージが最初にエンコード、埋め込み、または生成された可能性のある寸法や長さスケールなどの物理的特性に関する情報を非ランダム データがエンコードする方法を調査するために使用されました。
これは、暗号化、信号処理、因果デコンボリューション、生命、およびテクノ シグネチャ検出に大きな可能性を秘めていると主張します。


We introduce a general-purpose univariate signal deconvolution method based on the principles of an approach to Artificial General Intelligence. This approach is based on a generative model that combines information theory and algorithmic probability that required a large calculation of an estimation of a `universal distribution’ to build a general-purpose model of models independent of probability distributions. This was used to investigate how non-random data may encode information about the physical properties such as dimension and length scales in which a signal or message may have been originally encoded, embedded, or generated. This multidimensional space reconstruction method is based on information theory and algorithmic probability, and it is agnostic, but not independent, with respect to the chosen computable or semi-computable approximation method or encoding-decoding scheme. The results presented in this paper are useful for applications in coding theory, particularly in zero-knowledge one-way communication channels, such as in deciphering messages sent by generating sources of unknown nature for which no prior knowledge is available. We argue that this can have strong potential for cryptography, signal processing, causal deconvolution, life, and techno signature detection.


著者 Hector Zenil,Alyssa Adams,Felipe S. Abrahão
発行日 2023-03-28 15:20:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.IT, math.IT パーマリンク