The Effects of Android Robots Displaying Emotion on Humans: Interactions between Older Adults and Android Robots


一方、Android ロボットは、感情的なタスクを実行する新しい可能性を提供するため、支援シナリオに統合できます。
私たちは、顔の表情で感情を表現できるアンドロイド ロボットと高齢者や関係者が会話できるようにすることで、この可能性を探りました。
私たちの研究は、感情を示すアンドロイド ロボットに対する高齢者の反応について貴重な洞察を与えることができます。


Often robots are seen as a means to an end to fulfill a logical objective task. Android robots, on the other hand, provide new possibilities to fulfill emotional tasks and could therefore be integrated into assistive scenarios. We explored this possibility by letting older adults and stakeholders have a conversation with an android robot capable of expressing emotion through facial expressions. The study was carried out with a wizard-of-oz approach and data collected with a mixed methods approach. We found that the participants were encouraged to speak more with the robot due to its smile. Simultaneously, many ethical questions were raised about transparency and manipulation. Our research can give valuable insight into the reaction of older adults to android robots that show emotions.


著者 Nora Hille,Berenike Bürvenich,Felix Carros,Mehrbod Manavi,Rainer Wieching,Yoshio Matsumoto,Volker Wulf
発行日 2023-03-23 19:20:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク