Editing Driver Character: Socially-Controllable Behavior Generation for Interactive Traffic Simulation


自動運転車は、公道に配備された後、さまざまな社会的嗜好を持つ人間の道路参加者 (利己的または礼儀正しい人間のドライバーなど) と対話する必要があります。
提案された優遇措置により、実際の運転データから軌跡の優遇レベルを自動ラベル付けし、入力された優遇値に基づいて軌跡を生成する SCBG モデルを便利にトレーニングできます。
Waymo Open Motion Dataset (WOMD) で SCBG モデルを調べたところ、SCBG モデルを制御して、望ましい礼儀のレベルで現実的な運転行動を生成できることを示しました。
興味深いことに、SCBG モデルは、シナリオに応じて、礼儀正しい行動のさまざまなモーション パターンを識別できることがわかりました。


Traffic simulation plays a crucial role in evaluating and improving autonomous driving planning systems. After being deployed on public roads, autonomous vehicles need to interact with human road participants with different social preferences (e.g., selfish or courteous human drivers). To ensure that autonomous vehicles take safe and efficient maneuvers in different interactive traffic scenarios, we should be able to evaluate autonomous vehicles against reactive agents with different social characteristics in the simulation environment. We propose a socially-controllable behavior generation (SCBG) model for this purpose, which allows the users to specify the level of courtesy of the generated trajectory while ensuring realistic and human-like trajectory generation through learning from real-world driving data. Specifically, we define a novel and differentiable measure to quantify the level of courtesy of driving behavior, leveraging marginal and conditional behavior prediction models trained from real-world driving data. The proposed courtesy measure allows us to auto-label the courtesy levels of trajectories from real-world driving data and conveniently train an SCBG model generating trajectories based on the input courtesy values. We examined the SCBG model on the Waymo Open Motion Dataset (WOMD) and showed that we were able to control the SCBG model to generate realistic driving behaviors with desired courtesy levels. Interestingly, we found that the SCBG model was able to identify different motion patterns of courteous behaviors according to the scenarios.


著者 Wei-Jer Chang,Chen Tang,Chenran Li,Yeping Hu,Masayoshi Tomizuka,Wei Zhan
発行日 2023-03-24 06:38:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.RO, I.2.6 パーマリンク