Mechanism Design for Ad Auctions with Display Prices


インセンティブに対応したすべてのオークションの特徴を表示価格で提供し、それを使用して 2 つのシナリオでオークションを設計します。
シナリオ内の割り当てポリシーの 2 つのファミリを調査し、それに応じて均衡価格を特定します。


In many applications, ads are displayed together with the prices, so as to provide a direct comparison among similar products or services. The price-displaying feature not only influences the consumers’ decisions, but also affects the advertisers’ bidding behaviors. In this paper, we study ad auctions with display prices from the perspective of mechanism design, in which advertisers are asked to submit both the costs and prices of their products. We provide a characterization for all incentive compatible auctions with display prices, and use it to design auctions under two scenarios. In the former scenario, the display prices are assumed to be exogenously determined. For this setting, we derive the welfare-maximizing and revenue-maximizing auctions for any realization of the price profile. In the latter, advertisers are allowed to strategize display prices in their own interests. We investigate two families of allocation policies within the scenario and identify the equilibrium prices accordingly. Our results reveal that the display prices do affect the design of ad auctions and the platform can leverage such information to optimize the performance of ad delivery.


著者 Bin Li,Yahui Lei
発行日 2023-03-23 11:46:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.GT, cs.MA パーマリンク