Transformers in Speech Processing: A Survey


最近、トランスフォーマーは、自動音声認識、音声合成、音声翻訳、音声パラ言語学、音声強調、音声対話システム、多数のマルチモーダル アプリケーションなど、さまざまな音声関連のドメインで注目を集めています。


The remarkable success of transformers in the field of natural language processing has sparked the interest of the speech-processing community, leading to an exploration of their potential for modeling long-range dependencies within speech sequences. Recently, transformers have gained prominence across various speech-related domains, including automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, speech translation, speech para-linguistics, speech enhancement, spoken dialogue systems, and numerous multimodal applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey that aims to bridge research studies from diverse subfields within speech technology. By consolidating findings from across the speech technology landscape, we provide a valuable resource for researchers interested in harnessing the power of transformers to advance the field. We identify the challenges encountered by transformers in speech processing while also offering insights into potential solutions to address these issues.


著者 Siddique Latif,Aun Zaidi,Heriberto Cuayahuitl,Fahad Shamshad,Moazzam Shoukat,Junaid Qadir
発行日 2023-03-21 06:00:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.SD, eess.AS パーマリンク