Push–Pull with Device Sampling


この設定では、勾配追跡とネットワーク レベルの分散削減を組み合わせたアルゴリズムを提案します (各ノード内の分散削減とは対照的です)。
実験では、コンピューティング ノードから近隣ノードに情報を送信するブロードキャスト メカニズムを調査し、合成データセットと現実世界のデータセットの両方で、この方法の線形収束を確認します。


We consider decentralized optimization problems in which a number of agents collaborate to minimize the average of their local functions by exchanging over an underlying communication graph. Specifically, we place ourselves in an asynchronous model where only a random portion of nodes perform computation at each iteration, while the information exchange can be conducted between all the nodes and in an asymmetric fashion. For this setting, we propose an algorithm that combines gradient tracking with a network-level variance reduction (in contrast to variance reduction within each node). This enables each node to track the average of the gradients of the objective functions. Our theoretical analysis shows that the algorithm converges linearly, when the local objective functions are strongly convex, under mild connectivity conditions on the expected mixing matrices. In particular, our result does not require the mixing matrices to be doubly stochastic. In the experiments, we investigate a broadcast mechanism that transmits information from computing nodes to their neighbors, and confirm the linear convergence of our method on both synthetic and real-world datasets.


著者 Yu-Guan Hsieh,Yassine Laguel,Franck Iutzeler,Jérôme Malick
発行日 2023-03-17 16:38:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.DC, cs.LG, cs.MA, math.OC パーマリンク