Cross-linguistic differences in gender congruency effects: Evidence from meta-analyses


したがって、たとえ単語が同じ順序で作成されたとしても (たとえば、ドイツ語では die kleine Katze、フランス語では le petit chat )、それらは同じ順序で計画されているわけではなく、作成開始前にさまざまな量の高度な計画が必要になる場合があります。


It has been proposed that the order in which words are prepared for production depends on the speaker’s language. When producing the translation equivalent of the small cat, speakers of German or Dutch select the gender-marked determiner at a relatively early stage of production. Speakers of French or Italian postpone the encoding of a determiner or adjective until the phonological form of the noun is available. Hence, even though the words are produced in the same order (e.g., die kleine Katze in German, le petit chat in French), they are not planned in the same order and might require different amounts of advanced planning prior to production onset. This distinction between early and late selection languages was proposed to account for the observation that speakers of Germanic and Slavic languages, but not of Romance languages, are slower to name pictures in the context of a distractor word of a different gender. Meta-analyses are conducted to provide the first direct test of this cross-linguistic difference and to test a prediction of the late selection hypothesis. They confirm the existence of the gender congruency effect in German/Slavic languages and its absence in Romance languages when target and distractor words are presented simultaneously. They do not allow confirming the hypothesis that in the latter languages, a similar effect emerges when the presentation of the distractor is delayed. Overall, these analyses confirm the cross-linguistic difference but show that the evidence available to date is not sufficient to confirm or reject the late selection hypothesis as an explanation of this difference. We highlight specific directions for future research.


著者 Audrey Bürki,Emiel van den Hoven,Niels O. Schiller,Nikolay DImitrov
発行日 2023-03-16 09:01:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, q-bio.QM パーマリンク