Understanding the Uncertainty Loop of Human-Robot Interaction


支援ロボットの 1 つの形式は、サービス ロボットやパーソナル コンパニオンなど、人間と通信するために特別に構築された社会支援ロボットです。


Recently the field of Human-Robot Interaction gained popularity, due to the wide range of possibilities of how robots can support humans during daily tasks. One form of supportive robots are socially assistive robots which are specifically built for communicating with humans, e.g., as service robots or personal companions. As they understand humans through artificial intelligence, these robots will at some point make wrong assumptions about the humans’ current state and give an unexpected response. In human-human conversations, unexpected responses happen frequently. However, it is currently unclear how such robots should act if they understand that the human did not expect their response, or even showing the uncertainty of their response in the first place. For this, we explore the different forms of potential uncertainties during human-robot conversations and how humanoids can, through verbal and non-verbal cues, communicate these uncertainties.


著者 Jan Leusmann,Chao Wang,Michael Gienger,Albrecht Schmidt,Sven Mayer
発行日 2023-03-14 13:21:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO, H.5.2 パーマリンク