Gaka-chu: a self-employed autonomous robot artist


画中(日本語で「画家」)は、自動選択されたキーワードから日本の文字の絵を作成する 6 軸ロボット アームです。
イーサリアムベースのスマート コントラクトを使用してガカチュウのプロトタイプを構築し、6 か月にわたる実験を行いました。その間、ロボットは 4 つの絵を作成して販売し、同時に収入を使って物資を購入し、初期投資家に返済しました。


The physical autonomy of robots is well understood both theoretically and practically. By contrast, there is almost no research exploring their potential economic autonomy. In this paper, we present the first economically autonomous robot — a robot able to produce marketable goods while having full control over the use of its generated income. Gaka-chu (‘painter’ in Japanese) is a 6-axis robot arm that creates paintings of Japanese characters from an autoselected keyword. By using a blockchain-based smart contract, Gaka-chu can autonomously list a painting it made for sale in an online auction. In this transaction, the robot interacts with the human bidders as a peer not as a tool. Using the blockchain-based smart contract, Gaka-chu can then use its income from selling paintings to replenish its resources by autonomously ordering materials from an online art shop. We built the Gaka-chu prototype with an Ethereum-based smart contract and ran a 6-month long experiment, during which the robot created and sold four paintings, simultaneously using its income to purchase supplies and repay initial investors. In this work, we present the results of the experiments conducted and discuss the implications of economically autonomous robots.


著者 Eduardo Castelló Ferrer,Ivan Berman,Aleksandr Kapitonov,Vadim Manaenko,Makar Chernyaev,Pavel Tarasov
発行日 2023-03-13 13:28:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, I.2.9 パーマリンク