A Rule Based Theorem Prover: an Introduction to Proofs in Secondary Schools


適切なルール セットと、それらのルールを使用できる自動化された方法を選択することは、大きな課題です。
そのようなルール セットの 1 つと、幾何演繹データベース法 (GDDM) を使用したその実装について説明します。
このアプローチは、7 年生のクラス (約 12 歳の学生) の目標となるいくつかの選択された幾何学的な予想を使用してテストされます。


The introduction of automated deduction systems in secondary schools face several bottlenecks. Beyond the problems related with the curricula and the teachers, the dissonance between the outcomes of the geometry automated theorem provers and the normal practice of conjecturing and proving in schools is a major barrier to a wider use of such tools in an educational environment. Since the early implementations of geometry automated theorem provers, applications of artificial intelligence methods, synthetic provers based on inference rules and using forward chaining reasoning are considered to be more suited for education proposes. Choosing an appropriate set of rules and an automated method that can use those rules is a major challenge. We discuss one such rule set and its implementation using the geometry deductive databases method (GDDM). The approach is tested using some chosen geometric conjectures that could be the goal of a 7th year class (approx. 12-year-old students). A lesson plan is presented, its goal is the introduction of formal demonstration of proving geometric theorems, trying to motivate students to that goal


著者 Joana Teles,Vanda Santos,Pedro Quaresma
発行日 2023-03-10 11:36:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.LO, I.2 パーマリンク