On the Fusion Strategies for Federated Decision Making


エージェントがベイズ規則を使用して個々の観察結果を意見 (つまり、軟判定) に組み込み、中央処理装置が算術平均または幾何平均によってこれらの意見を集約する、非ベイジアン社会学習戦略を分析します。


We consider the problem of information aggregation in federated decision making, where a group of agents collaborate to infer the underlying state of nature without sharing their private data with the central processor or each other. We analyze the non-Bayesian social learning strategy in which agents incorporate their individual observations into their opinions (i.e., soft-decisions) with Bayes rule, and the central processor aggregates these opinions by arithmetic or geometric averaging. Building on our previous work, we establish that both pooling strategies result in asymptotic normality characterization of the system, which, for instance, can be utilized in order to give approximate expressions for the error probability. We verify the theoretical findings with simulations and compare both strategies.


著者 Mert Kayaalp,Yunus Inan,Visa Koivunen,Emre Telatar,Ali H. Sayed
発行日 2023-03-10 17:57:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.MA, cs.SI, eess.SP パーマリンク