RMMDet: Road-Side Multitype and Multigroup Sensor Detection System for Autonomous Driving


現在、自動運転は人工知能のおかげで大きな進歩を遂げており、シングル センサーまたはマルチ センサーの検出方法を含む、車両のエンド ターゲットを検出するための多数の高度な方法が提案されています。
ROS ベースの仮想環境を使用して、現実世界の条件、特にセンサーの物理的および機能的な構造をシミュレートします。
さらに、マルチエージェント協調スケジューリング システムを融合検出システムにリンクします。
コードと補足資料は、https://github.com/OrangeSodahub/RMMDet にあります。


Autonomous driving has now made great strides thanks to artificial intelligence, and numerous advanced methods have been proposed for vehicle end target detection, including single sensor or multi sensor detection methods. However, the complexity and diversity of real traffic situations necessitate an examination of how to use these methods in real road conditions. In this paper, we propose RMMDet, a road-side multitype and multigroup sensor detection system for autonomous driving. We use a ROS-based virtual environment to simulate real-world conditions, in particular the physical and functional construction of the sensors. Then we implement muti-type sensor detection and multi-group sensors fusion in this environment, including camera-radar and camera-lidar detection based on result-level fusion. We produce local datasets and real sand table field, and conduct various experiments. Furthermore, we link a multi-agent collaborative scheduling system to the fusion detection system. Hence, the whole roadside detection system is formed by roadside perception, fusion detection, and scheduling planning. Through the experiments, it can be seen that RMMDet system we built plays an important role in vehicle-road collaboration and its optimization. The code and supplementary materials can be found at: https://github.com/OrangeSodahub/RMMDet


著者 Xiuyu Yang,Zhuangyan Zhang,Haikuo Du,Sui Yang,Fengping Sun,Yanbo Liu,Ling Pei,Wenchao Xu,Weiqi Sun,Zhengyu Li
発行日 2023-03-10 03:19:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク