Real-time scheduling of renewable power systems through planning-based reinforcement learning


事業者が再生可能エネルギー発電の正確な 1 日前の予測を取得することは困難であるため、将来のスケジューリング システムは、超短期の予測に合わせてリアルタイムでスケジューリングを決定する必要があります。
強化学習 (RL) の最近の開発は、この課題を解決する可能性を示しています。
ただし、既存の RL メソッドは、制約の複雑さ、アルゴリズムのパフォーマンス、および環境の忠実度の点で不十分です。
十分に訓練されたスケジューリング エージェントは、不正確な前日予測への従来のスケジューリングの依存から生じる問題である、再エネ削減と負荷制限を大幅に削減します。


The growing renewable energy sources have posed significant challenges to traditional power scheduling. It is difficult for operators to obtain accurate day-ahead forecasts of renewable generation, thereby requiring the future scheduling system to make real-time scheduling decisions aligning with ultra-short-term forecasts. Restricted by the computation speed, traditional optimization-based methods can not solve this problem. Recent developments in reinforcement learning (RL) have demonstrated the potential to solve this challenge. However, the existing RL methods are inadequate in terms of constraint complexity, algorithm performance, and environment fidelity. We are the first to propose a systematic solution based on the state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithm and the real power grid environment. The proposed approach enables planning and finer time resolution adjustments of power generators, including unit commitment and economic dispatch, thus increasing the grid’s ability to admit more renewable energy. The well-trained scheduling agent significantly reduces renewable curtailment and load shedding, which are issues arising from traditional scheduling’s reliance on inaccurate day-ahead forecasts. High-frequency control decisions exploit the existing units’ flexibility, reducing the power grid’s dependence on hardware transformations and saving investment and operating costs, as demonstrated in experimental results. This research exhibits the potential of reinforcement learning in promoting low-carbon and intelligent power systems and represents a solid step toward sustainable electricity generation.


著者 Shaohuai Liu,Jinbo Liu,Weirui Ye,Nan Yang,Guanglun Zhang,Haiwang Zhong,Chongqing Kang,Qirong Jiang,Xuri Song,Fangchun Di,Yang Gao
発行日 2023-03-09 12:19:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク