Inversion-Based Style Transfer with Diffusion Models


絵画における芸術的スタイルは、表現の手段であり、絵画の素材、色、ブラシ ストロークだけでなく、意味要素、オブジェクトの形状などを含む高レベルの属性も含まれます。
画像の重要な情報を効率的かつ正確に学習し、絵画の芸術的なスタイルをキャプチャして転送できる反転ベースのスタイル転送方法 (InST) を提案します。
コードとモデルは、 で入手できます。


The artistic style within a painting is the means of expression, which includes not only the painting material, colors, and brushstrokes, but also the high-level attributes including semantic elements, object shapes, etc. Previous arbitrary example-guided artistic image generation methods often fail to control shape changes or convey elements. The pre-trained text-to-image synthesis diffusion probabilistic models have achieved remarkable quality, but it often requires extensive textual descriptions to accurately portray attributes of a particular painting. We believe that the uniqueness of an artwork lies precisely in the fact that it cannot be adequately explained with normal language. Our key idea is to learn artistic style directly from a single painting and then guide the synthesis without providing complex textual descriptions. Specifically, we assume style as a learnable textual description of a painting. We propose an inversion-based style transfer method (InST), which can efficiently and accurately learn the key information of an image, thus capturing and transferring the artistic style of a painting. We demonstrate the quality and efficiency of our method on numerous paintings of various artists and styles. Code and models are available at


著者 Yuxin Zhang,Nisha Huang,Fan Tang,Haibin Huang,Chongyang Ma,Weiming Dong,Changsheng Xu
発行日 2023-03-09 13:44:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR パーマリンク