Covid19 Reproduction Number: Credibility Intervals by Blockwise Proximal Monte Carlo Samplers


Covid19 データの限定された品質 (外れ値、欠損カウント) に対して堅牢であるように設計されていますが、この手順には、信頼区間に基づく推定値を出力する機能がありません。
非平滑汎関数をベイジアン フレームワークに解釈した後、いくつかのサンプリング スキームを調整して、結果の事後分布の非平滑性を調整します。
考案されたアルゴリズムの独創性は、ランジュバン モンテカルロ サンプリング スキームと近接演算子の組み合わせに由来します。
考案された監視ツールの関心は、いくつかの異なる国の Covid19 データに示されています。


Monitoring the Covid19 pandemic constitutes a critical societal stake that received considerable research efforts. The intensity of the pandemic on a given territory is efficiently measured by the reproduction number, quantifying the rate of growth of daily new infections. Recently, estimates for the time evolution of the reproduction number were produced using an inverse problem formulation with a nonsmooth functional minimization. While it was designed to be robust to the limited quality of the Covid19 data (outliers, missing counts), the procedure lacks the ability to output credibility interval based estimates. This remains a severe limitation for practical use in actual pandemic monitoring by epidemiologists that the present work aims to overcome by use of Monte Carlo sampling. After interpretation of the nonsmooth functional into a Bayesian framework, several sampling schemes are tailored to adjust the nonsmooth nature of the resulting posterior distribution. The originality of the devised algorithms stems from combining a Langevin Monte Carlo sampling scheme with Proximal operators. Performance of the new algorithms in producing relevant credibility intervals for the reproduction number estimates and denoised counts are compared. Assessment is conducted on real daily new infection counts made available by the Johns Hopkins University. The interest of the devised monitoring tools are illustrated on Covid19 data from several different countries.


著者 Gersende Fort,Barbara Pascal,Patrice Abry,Nelly Pustelnik
発行日 2023-03-08 15:17:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, eess.SP, stat.AP, stat.ME, stat.ML パーマリンク