‘How to make them stay?’ — Diverse Counterfactual Explanations of Employee Attrition


機械学習 (ML) は、優秀な従業員が離職するのを防ぐための積極的な対策に関する洞察を企業に提供するために、離職予測を含む人事管理のさまざまな側面に適用されています。
これらの ML メソッドの中で、最高のパフォーマンスはアンサンブルまたはディープ ニューラル ネットワークによって報告されています。
したがって、このホワイト ペーパーでは、過去のデータから複数の減少ケースに焦点を当てた反事実的説明の使用を提案し、これらのケースの減少確率を防止または最小化するために、組織がその慣行/ポリシーに対して行う必要がある最適な介入を特定します。


Employee attrition is an important and complex problem that can directly affect an organisation’s competitiveness and performance. Explaining the reasons why employees leave an organisation is a key human resource management challenge due to the high costs and time required to attract and keep talented employees. Businesses therefore aim to increase employee retention rates to minimise their costs and maximise their performance. Machine learning (ML) has been applied in various aspects of human resource management including attrition prediction to provide businesses with insights on proactive measures on how to prevent talented employees from quitting. Among these ML methods, the best performance has been reported by ensemble or deep neural networks, which by nature constitute black box techniques and thus cannot be easily interpreted. To enable the understanding of these models’ reasoning several explainability frameworks have been proposed. Counterfactual explanation methods have attracted considerable attention in recent years since they can be used to explain and recommend actions to be performed to obtain the desired outcome. However current counterfactual explanations methods focus on optimising the changes to be made on individual cases to achieve the desired outcome. In the attrition problem it is important to be able to foresee what would be the effect of an organisation’s action to a group of employees where the goal is to prevent them from leaving the company. Therefore, in this paper we propose the use of counterfactual explanations focusing on multiple attrition cases from historical data, to identify the optimum interventions that an organisation needs to make to its practices/policies to prevent or minimise attrition probability for these cases.


著者 André Artelt,Andreas Gregoriades
発行日 2023-03-08 13:54:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク