SeekNet: Improved Human Instance Segmentation and Tracking via Reinforcement Learning Based Optimized Robot Relocation


ほとんどの SOTA Visual Recognition システムには、非モーダル認識を実行する機能がありません。
具現化された視覚認識による非モーダル認識の改善された最適化手法である SeekNet を提案します。
さらに、混雑した歩行者との複数の相互作用があるソーシャル ロボット用の SeekNet を実装します。
さらに、SeekNet を使用してマルチロボット環境をセットアップし、混雑した地域での空気感染性疾患の視覚的疾患マーカーを特定および追跡しました。


Amodal recognition is the ability of the system to detect occluded objects. Most SOTA Visual Recognition systems lack the ability to perform amodal recognition. Few studies have achieved amodal recognition through passive prediction or embodied recognition approaches. However, these approaches suffer from challenges in real-world applications, such as dynamic obstacles. We propose SeekNet, an improved optimization method for amodal recognition through embodied visual recognition. Additionally, we implement SeekNet for social robots, where there are multiple interactions with crowded pedestrians. We also demonstrate the benefits of our algorithm on occluded human detection and tracking over other baselines. Additionally, we set up a multi-robot environment with SeekNet to identify and track visual disease markers for airborne disease in crowded areas. We conduct our experiments in a simulated indoor environment and show that our method enhances the overall accuracy of the amodal recognition task and achieves the largest improvement in detection accuracy over time in comparison to the baseline approaches.


著者 Venkatraman Narayanan,Bala Murali Manoghar,Rama Prashanth RV,Phu Pham,Aniket Bera
発行日 2023-03-08 15:45:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク