Adaptive Knowledge Distillation between Text and Speech Pre-trained Models


テキストと音声の間のセマンティックと粒度のギャップは文献では省略されており、蒸留が損なわれているため、可変粒度のテキスト/音声単位と事前分布を適応的に活用してより良いグローバルを達成する事前通知適応知識蒸留 (PAD) を提案します。
テキストと音声の事前トレーニング済みモデル間のローカル アラインメント。
3 つの音声言語理解ベンチマークを評価して、PAD が他のメトリックベースの蒸留アプローチよりも言語知識の伝達に効果的であることを示します。


Learning on a massive amount of speech corpus leads to the recent success of many self-supervised speech models. With knowledge distillation, these models may also benefit from the knowledge encoded by language models that are pre-trained on rich sources of texts. The distillation process, however, is challenging due to the modal disparity between textual and speech embedding spaces. This paper studies metric-based distillation to align the embedding space of text and speech with only a small amount of data without modifying the model structure. Since the semantic and granularity gap between text and speech has been omitted in literature, which impairs the distillation, we propose the Prior-informed Adaptive knowledge Distillation (PAD) that adaptively leverages text/speech units of variable granularity and prior distributions to achieve better global and local alignments between text and speech pre-trained models. We evaluate on three spoken language understanding benchmarks to show that PAD is more effective in transferring linguistic knowledge than other metric-based distillation approaches.


著者 Jinjie Ni,Yukun Ma,Wen Wang,Qian Chen,Dianwen Ng,Han Lei,Trung Hieu Nguyen,Chong Zhang,Bin Ma,Erik Cambria
発行日 2023-03-07 02:31:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.LG, cs.SD, eess.AS パーマリンク