Mesh-SORT: Simple and effective of location-wise tracker


近年、マルチオブジェクト トラッキング (MOT) は、交通や人物の検出に応用できる可能性があるため、注目を集めています。
これに対抗するために、紛失したオブジェクトを処理するための堅牢な戦略と、紛失したトラックレット管理の 3 つの改善を含む検出による追跡のための場所ごとの方法を提示します。
結果の Mesh-SORT は、元のフレームのメッシュ分割を提供し、差別化のための戦略を適用します。


In recent years, Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) has gained increased attention due to its potential applications in traffic and person detection. We have observed that in most tracking scenarios, objects tend to move and be lost within specific locations. To address this, we propose different strategies for tracking and association that can identify and target these regions. Additionally, we note that tracking by detection may be impacted by errors in the detector, such as an imprecise bounding box. To counter this, we present a robust strategy for dealing with lost objects, as well as a location-wise method for tracking by detection that includes three improvements in lost tracklet management. Resulting Mesh-SORT, it gives mesh division for the original frame, and applying strategies for differentiation. Experiments demonstrate the potential of our approach and the improvements it provides over the baseline.


著者 ZongTan Li
発行日 2023-03-01 09:07:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク