That’s All Folks: a KG of Values as Commonsense Social Norms and Behaviors


ここでは、2 つのオントロジー モジュール FOLK (広い意味で意図された値のオントロジー) と、That’s All Folks (語彙的および事実的な民俗値トリガーのモジュール) を提案します。その目的は、主要な理論を補完し、値を識別する方法を提供することです。


Values, as intended in ethics, determine the shape and validity of moral and social norms, grounding our everyday individual and community behavior on commonsense knowledge. Formalising latent moral content in human interaction is an appealing perspective that would enable a deeper understanding of both social dynamics and individual cognitive and behavioral dimension. To tackle this problem, several theoretical frameworks offer different values models, and organize them into different taxonomies. The problem of the most used theories is that they adopt a cultural-independent perspective while many entities that are considered ‘values’ are grounded in commonsense knowledge and expressed in everyday life interaction. We propose here two ontological modules, FOLK, an ontology for values intended in their broad sense, and That’s All Folks, a module for lexical and factual folk value triggers, whose purpose is to complement the main theories, providing a method for identifying the values that are not contemplated by the major value theories, but which nonetheless play a key role in daily human interactions, and shape social structures, cultural biases, and personal beliefs. The resource is tested via performing automatic detection of values from text with a frame-based approach.


著者 Stefano De Giorgis,Aldo Gangemi
発行日 2023-03-01 16:35:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.SC パーマリンク