DCMS: Motion Forecasting with Dual Consistency and Multi-Pseudo-Target Supervision


Dual Consistency Constraints と Multi-Pseudo-Target 監視によるモーション予測の新しいフレームワークを提示します。
DCMS の重要な設計は、トレーニング段階での空間的および時間的摂動下で予測された軌道を正則化する、提案されている Dual Consistency Constraints です。
Argoverse モーション予測ベンチマークでの実験結果は、DCMS が最先端の方法を大幅に上回り、リーダーボードで 1 位を獲得したことを示しています。


We present a novel framework for motion forecasting with Dual Consistency Constraints and Multi-Pseudo-Target supervision. The motion forecasting task predicts future trajectories of vehicles by incorporating spatial and temporal information from the past. A key design of DCMS is the proposed Dual Consistency Constraints that regularize the predicted trajectories under spatial and temporal perturbation during the training stage. In addition, we design a novel self-ensembling scheme to obtain accurate pseudo targets to model the multi-modality in motion forecasting through supervision with multiple targets explicitly, namely Multi-Pseudo-Target supervision. Our experimental results on the Argoverse motion forecasting benchmark show that DCMS significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, achieving 1st place on the leaderboard. We also demonstrate that our proposed strategies can be incorporated into other motion forecasting approaches as general training schemes.


著者 Maosheng Ye,Jiamiao Xu,Xunnong Xu,Tengfei Wang,Tongyi Cao,Qifeng Chen
発行日 2023-02-28 01:46:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク