A trained humanoid robot can perform human-like crossmodal social attention and conflict resolution


この課題に取り組むために、私たちの研究では、ロボットに人間のような社会的注意を表現させるために、クロスモーダルな競合解決のニューロロボティクス パラダイムを採用しました。
生態学的妥当性を改善するために、3 つのアニメーション化されたアバターを使用した円卓会議シナリオを設計しました。
トレーニング済みのモデルを iCub に取り付けた後、ロボットは人体実験と同様の実験室条件にさらされました。


To enhance human-robot social interaction, it is essential for robots to process multiple social cues in a complex real-world environment. However, incongruency of input information across modalities is inevitable and could be challenging for robots to process. To tackle this challenge, our study adopted the neurorobotic paradigm of crossmodal conflict resolution to make a robot express human-like social attention.} A behavioural experiment was conducted on 37 participants for the human study. We designed a round-table meeting scenario with three animated avatars to improve ecological validity. Each avatar wore a medical mask to obscure the facial cues of the nose, mouth, and jaw. The central avatar shifted its eye gaze while the peripheral avatars generated sound. Gaze direction and sound locations were either spatially congruent or incongruent. We observed that the central avatar’s dynamic gaze could trigger crossmodal social attention responses. In particular, human performances are better under the congruent audio-visual condition than the incongruent condition. Our saliency prediction model was trained to detect social cues, predict audio-visual saliency, and attend selectively for the robot study. After mounting the trained model on the iCub, the robot was exposed to laboratory conditions similar to the human experiment. While the human performances were overall superior, our trained model demonstrated that it could replicate attention responses similar to humans.


著者 Di Fu,Fares Abawi,Hugo Carneiro,Matthias Kerzel,Ziwei Chen,Erik Strahl,Xun Liu,Stefan Wermter
発行日 2023-02-27 09:24:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク