Bioinspired soft robotics: How do we learn from creatures?


ソフト ロボティクスは、自然から学び、生物学的行動を再現する柔軟性と環境適応性への独自の道を切り開いてきました。
ソフト ロボットを設計および適用するために生物からどのように学ぶかを調べるために、このレビューでは、生物学的システムのさまざまな機能に基づいてソフト ロボットを要約する分類方法を提案します: 自己成長、自己修復、自己応答、自己


Soft robotics has opened a unique path to flexibility and environmental adaptability, learning from nature and reproducing biological behaviors. Nature implies answers for how to apply robots to real life. To find out how we learn from creatures to design and apply soft robots, in this Review, we propose a classification method to summarize soft robots based on different functions of biological systems: self-growing, self-healing, self-responsive, and self-circulatory. The bio-function based classification logic is presented to explain why we learn from creatures. State-of-art technologies, characteristics, pros, cons, challenges, and potential applications of these categories are analyzed to illustrate what we learned from creatures. By intersecting these categories, the existing and potential bio-inspired applications are overviewed and outlooked to finally find the answer, that is, how we learn from creatures.


著者 Yang Yang,Zhiguo He,Pengcheng Jiao,Hongliang Ren
発行日 2023-02-24 14:14:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク