Revealing higher-order neural representations with generative artificial intelligence


一部の研究では、「瞬時に」推定された不確実性の神経表現を標的としていますが、予想される不確実性の\ textit {分布}をどのように表現するかはほとんど未踏のままです。


Studies often aim to reveal how neural representations encode aspects of an observer’s environment, such as its contents or structure. These are “first-order’ representations (FORs), because they’re “about’ the external world. A less-common target is “higher-order’ representations (HORs), which are “about’ FORs — their contents, stability, or uncertainty. HORs of uncertainty appear critically involved in adaptive behaviors including learning under uncertainty, influencing learning rates and internal model updating based on environmental feedback. However, HORs about uncertainty are unlikely to be direct “read-outs’ of FOR characteristics, instead reflecting estimation processes which may be lossy, bias-prone, or distortive and which may also incorporate estimates of distributions of uncertainty the observer is likely to experience. While some research has targeted neural representations of “instantaneously’ estimated uncertainty, how the brain represents \textit{distributions} of expected uncertainty remains largely unexplored. Here, we propose a novel reinforcement learning (RL) based generative artificial intelligence (genAI) approach to explore neural representations of uncertainty distributions. We use existing functional magnetic resonance imaging data, where humans learned to `de-noise’ their brain states to achieve target neural patterns, to train denoising diffusion genAI models with RL algorithms to learn noise distributions similar to how humans might learn to do the same. We then explore these models’ learned noise-distribution HORs compared to control models trained with traditional backpropagation. Results reveal model-dependent differences in noise distribution representations — with the RL-based model offering much higher explanatory power for human behavior — offering an exciting path towards using genAI to explore neural noise-distribution HORs.


著者 Hojjat Azimi Asrari,Megan A. K. Peters
発行日 2025-03-18 15:08:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, q-bio.NC パーマリンク