Retrospective: A CORDIC Based Configurable Activation Function for NN Applications


この遡及的分析では、このイニシアチブの基本的な側面を探求し、近年の重要な開発を要約し、AIアプリケーションの進化するニーズに合わせたDA-Vinci AFを紹介します。
以前に提示されたデザインは、MAC、シグモイド、およびTANH機能用に最適化されており、Relu AFSに組み込まれており、蓄積的な神経コンピューティングユニットに頂点に達しています。


A CORDIC-based configuration for the design of Activation Functions (AF) was previously suggested to accelerate ASIC hardware design for resource-constrained systems by providing functional reconfigurability. Since its introduction, this new approach for neural network acceleration has gained widespread popularity, influencing numerous designs for activation functions in both academic and commercial AI processors. In this retrospective analysis, we explore the foundational aspects of this initiative, summarize key developments over recent years, and introduce the DA-VINCI AF tailored for the evolving needs of AI applications. This new generation of dynamically configurable and precision-adjustable activation function cores promise greater adaptability for a range of activation functions in AI workloads, including Swish, SoftMax, SeLU, and GeLU, utilizing the Shift-and-Add CORDIC technique. The previously presented design has been optimized for MAC, Sigmoid, and Tanh functionalities and incorporated into ReLU AFs, culminating in an accumulative NEURIC compute unit. These enhancements position NEURIC as a fundamental component in the resource-efficient vector engine for the realization of AI accelerators that focus on DNNs, RNNs/LSTMs, and Transformers, achieving a quality of results (QoR) of 98.5%.


著者 Omkar Kokane,Gopal Raut,Salim Ullah,Mukul Lokhande,Adam Teman,Akash Kumar,Santosh Kumar Vishvakarma
発行日 2025-03-18 15:38:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.AR, cs.CV, cs.ET, eess.IV パーマリンク