Dynamic-Dark SLAM: RGB-Thermal Cooperative Robot Vision Strategy for Multi-Person Tracking in Both Well-Lit and Low-Light Scenes


この研究では、RGBおよびTトラッカーをトレーニングするために、擬似解決(境界ボックス +人ID)を使用して、共同配置されたRGBおよびサーマルカメラを利用する協同組合MPTシステムを提案します。


In robot vision, thermal cameras have significant potential for recognizing humans even in complete darkness. However, their application to multi-person tracking (MPT) has lagged due to data scarcity and difficulties in individual identification. In this study, we propose a cooperative MPT system that utilizes co-located RGB and thermal cameras, using pseudo-annotations (bounding boxes + person IDs) to train RGB and T trackers. Evaluation experiments demonstrate that the T tracker achieves remarkable performance in both bright and dark scenes. Furthermore, results suggest that a tracker-switching approach using a binary brightness classifier is more suitable than a tracker-fusion approach for information integration. This study marks a crucial first step toward “Dynamic-Dark SLAM,’ enabling effective recognition, understanding, and reconstruction of individuals, occluding objects, and traversable areas in dynamic environments, both bright and dark.


著者 Tatsuro Sakai,Kanji Tanaka,Jonathan Tay Yu Liang,Muhammad Adil Luqman,Daiki Iwata
発行日 2025-03-17 03:05:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク