Robust Decision-Making Via Free Energy Minimization


すべての実験で、DR-Freeにより、DR-Free Failを使用しないエージェントを最小化する標準の自由エネルギーを最小限に抑える場合でも、ロボットは目標に向かってうまくナビゲートできます。


Despite their groundbreaking performance, state-of-the-art autonomous agents can misbehave when training and environmental conditions become inconsistent, with minor mismatches leading to undesirable behaviors or even catastrophic failures. Robustness towards these training/environment ambiguities is a core requirement for intelligent agents and its fulfillment is a long-standing challenge when deploying agents in the real world. Here, departing from mainstream views seeking robustness through training, we introduce DR-FREE, a free energy model that installs this core property by design. It directly wires robustness into the agent decision-making mechanisms via free energy minimization. By combining a robust extension of the free energy principle with a novel resolution engine, DR-FREE returns a policy that is optimal-yet-robust against ambiguity. Moreover, for the first time, it reveals the mechanistic role of ambiguity on optimal decisions and requisite Bayesian belief updating. We evaluate DR-FREE on an experimental testbed involving real rovers navigating an ambiguous environment filled with obstacles. Across all the experiments, DR-FREE enables robots to successfully navigate towards their goal even when, in contrast, standard free energy minimizing agents that do not use DR-FREE fail. In short, DR-FREE can tackle scenarios that elude previous methods: this milestone may inspire both deployment in multi-agent settings and, at a perhaps deeper level, the quest for a biologically plausible explanation of how natural agents – with little or no training – survive in capricious environments.


著者 Allahkaram Shafiei,Hozefa Jesawada,Karl Friston,Giovanni Russo
発行日 2025-03-17 14:36:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.SY, eess.SY, math.OC パーマリンク