Explorative analysis of human disease-symptoms relations using the Convolutional Neural Network


この研究では、事前に生成された症状ベースのヒト疾患データセットを分析し、畳み込みニューラル ネットワークとサポート ベクター マシンに基づいて各疾患の予測可能性の程度を示します。
疾患のあいまいさは、K-Means と主成分分析を使用して研究されます。
私たちの結果は、機械学習が症状の特徴を考慮して、初期段階で 98 ~ 100% の精度で疾患を診断できる可能性があることを示しています。


In the field of health-care and bio-medical research, understanding the relationship between the symptoms of diseases is crucial for early diagnosis and determining hidden relationships between diseases. The study aimed to understand the extent of symptom types in disease prediction tasks. In this research, we analyze a pre-generated symptom-based human disease dataset and demonstrate the degree of predictability for each disease based on the Convolutional Neural Network and the Support Vector Machine. Ambiguity of disease is studied using the K-Means and the Principal Component Analysis. Our results indicate that machine learning can potentially diagnose diseases with the 98-100% accuracy in the early stage, taking the characteristics of symptoms into account. Our result highlights that types of unusual symptoms are a good proxy for disease early identification accurately. We also highlight that unusual symptoms increase the accuracy of the disease prediction task.


著者 Zolzaya Dashdorj,Stanislav Grigorev,Munguntsatsral Dovdondash
発行日 2023-02-23 15:02:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク