Single-Peaked Jump Schelling Games


シェリング ゲームは、ゲーム理論の観点から大都市圏における住宅分離の広範な現象をモデル化します。
私たちは、単一ピークの効用関数を持つエージェントを使用してジャンプ シェリング ゲームを研究することにより、現実的なエージェントの動作を使用して住宅分離モデルを調査するという最近の取り組みに貢献しています。


Schelling games model the wide-spread phenomenon of residential segregation in metropolitan areas from a game-theoretic point of view. In these games agents of different types each strategically select a node on a given graph that models the residential area to maximize their individual utility. The latter solely depends on the types of the agents on neighboring nodes and it has been a standard assumption to consider utility functions that are monotone in the number of same-type neighbors. This simplifying assumption has recently been challenged since sociological poll results suggest that real-world agents actually favor diverse neighborhoods. We contribute to the recent endeavor of investigating residential segregation models with realistic agent behavior by studying Jump Schelling Games with agents having a single-peaked utility function. In such games, there are empty nodes in the graph and agents can strategically jump to such nodes to improve their utility. We investigate the existence of equilibria and show that they exist under specific conditions. Contrasting this, we prove that even on simple topologies like paths or rings such stable states are not guaranteed to exist. Regarding the game dynamics, we show that improving response cycles exist independently of the position of the peak in the utility function. Moreover, we show high almost tight bounds on the Price of Anarchy and the Price of Stability with respect to the recently proposed degree of integration, which counts the number of agents with a diverse neighborhood and which serves as a proxy for measuring the segregation strength. Last but not least, we show that computing a beneficial state with high integration is NP-complete and, as a novel conceptual contribution, we also show that it is NP-hard to decide if an equilibrium state can be found via improving response dynamics starting from a given initial state.


著者 Tobias Friedrich,Pascal Lenzner,Louise Molitor,Lars Seifert
発行日 2023-02-23 15:46:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.GT, cs.MA, math.DS パーマリンク