Efficient dynamic modal load reconstruction using physics-informed Gaussian processes based on frequency-sparse Fourier basis functions


モデルの有効性は、2つのケーススタディを通じて検証されています。風変わりな76階建ての建物の数値モデルと、デンマークのLILLEB {\ ae} ltブリッジの物理スケールモデルを使用した実験、サーボモーターに励まします。


Knowledge of the force time history of a structure is essential to assess its behaviour, ensure safety and maintain reliability. However, direct measurement of external forces is often challenging due to sensor limitations, unknown force characteristics, or inaccessible load points. This paper presents an efficient dynamic load reconstruction method using physics-informed Gaussian processes (GP) based on frequency-sparse Fourier basis functions. The GP’s covariance matrices are built using the description of the system dynamics, and the model is trained using structural response measurements. This provides support and interpretability to the machine learning model, in contrast to purely data-driven methods. In addition, the model filters out irrelevant components in the Fourier basis function by leveraging the sparsity of structural responses in the frequency domain, thereby reducing computational complexity during optimization. The trained model for structural responses is then integrated with the differential equation for a harmonic oscillator, creating a probabilistic dynamic load model that predicts load patterns without requiring force data during training. The model’s effectiveness is validated through two case studies: a numerical model of a wind-excited 76-story building and an experiment using a physical scale model of the Lilleb{\ae}lt Bridge in Denmark, excited by a servo motor. For both cases, validation of the reconstructed forces is provided using comparison metrics for several signal properties. The developed model holds potential for applications in structural health monitoring, damage prognosis, and load model validation.


著者 Gledson Rodrigo Tondo,Igor Kavrakov,Guido Morgenthal
発行日 2025-03-12 14:16:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク