CommonPower: A Framework for Safe Data-Driven Smart Grid Control


これらの欠点に対処するために、機械学習に合わせて調整された電力システム管理のモデリングとシミュレーションの最初の一般的なフレームワークであるPython Tool CommonPowerを紹介します。


The growing complexity of power system management has led to an increased interest in reinforcement learning (RL). To validate their effectiveness, RL algorithms have to be evaluated across multiple case studies. Case study design is an arduous task requiring the consideration of many aspects, among them the influence of available forecasts and the level of decentralization in the control structure. Furthermore, vanilla RL controllers cannot themselves ensure the satisfaction of system constraints, which makes devising a safeguarding mechanism a necessary task for every case study before deploying the system. To address these shortcomings, we introduce the Python tool CommonPower, the first general framework for the modeling and simulation of power system management tailored towards machine learning. Its modular architecture enables users to focus on specific elements without having to implement a simulation environment. Another unique contribution of CommonPower is the automatic synthesis of model predictive controllers and safeguards. Beyond offering a unified interface for single-agent RL, multi-agent RL, and optimal control, CommonPower includes a training pipeline for machine-learning-based forecasters as well as a flexible mechanism for incorporating feedback of safeguards into the learning updates of RL controllers.


著者 Michael Eichelbeck,Hannah Markgraf,Matthias Althoff
発行日 2025-03-12 15:23:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク