Saliency Guided Contrastive Learning on Scene Images


ただし、その成功は高度に精選されたデータセット (ImageNet など) に大きく依存しており、依然として人間によるクリーニングが必要です。
私たちの方法は、シーン画像の自己教師あり学習のパフォーマンスを、ImageNet 線形評価で +1.1、+4.3、+2.2 の Top1 精度、1% および 10% の ImageNet ラベルを使用した半教師あり学習でそれぞれ大幅に改善します。
顕著性マップに関する私たちの洞察が、シーン データから学習するより汎用的な教師なし表現に関する将来の研究の動機となることを願っています。


Self-supervised learning holds promise in leveraging large numbers of unlabeled data. However, its success heavily relies on the highly-curated dataset, e.g., ImageNet, which still needs human cleaning. Directly learning representations from less-curated scene images is essential for pushing self-supervised learning to a higher level. Different from curated images which include simple and clear semantic information, scene images are more complex and mosaic because they often include complex scenes and multiple objects. Despite being feasible, recent works largely overlooked discovering the most discriminative regions for contrastive learning to object representations in scene images. In this work, we leverage the saliency map derived from the model’s output during learning to highlight these discriminative regions and guide the whole contrastive learning. Specifically, the saliency map first guides the method to crop its discriminative regions as positive pairs and then reweighs the contrastive losses among different crops by its saliency scores. Our method significantly improves the performance of self-supervised learning on scene images by +1.1, +4.3, +2.2 Top1 accuracy in ImageNet linear evaluation, Semi-supervised learning with 1% and 10% ImageNet labels, respectively. We hope our insights on saliency maps can motivate future research on more general-purpose unsupervised representation learning from scene data.


著者 Meilin Chen,Yizhou Wang,Shixiang Tang,Feng Zhu,Haiyang Yang,Lei Bai,Rui Zhao,Donglian Qi,Wanli Ouyang
発行日 2023-02-23 05:46:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク